Heavy metals are a group of trace elements that include metals and metalloids such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, tin and zinc. Metal ions are known to contaminate soil, the atmosphere and water systems and are toxic even at very low concentrations.

There are two main sources of heavy metals in water, natural sources and anthropogenic sources. Natural sources include volcanic activity, soil erosion, biological activity, and weathering of rocks and minerals, while anthropogenic sources include landfills, fuel burning, street runoff, sewage, agricultural activities, mining, and industrial pollutants such as textile dyes. Heavy metals are Classified as toxic and carcinogenic, they are capable of accumulating in tissues and causing disease and disorders.
Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater is essential for cleaning the environment and human health. There are different reported methods dedicated to the removal of heavy metal ions from various wastewater sources. These methods can be classified into adsorption, membrane, chemical, electro, and photocatalytic based treatments.
Our company can provide Heavy Metal Remove Agent, Heavy Metal Remove Agent CW-15 is a not-toxic and environmentally-friendly heavy metal catcher. This chemical could form a stable compound with most monovalent and divalent metal ions in waste water,such as:Fe2+,Ni2+,Pb2+,Cu2+,Ag+,Zn2+,Cd2+,Hg2+,Ti+and Cr3+, then reach the purpose of removing heavy mental from water. After treatment, the Precipitation cannot be dissolved by rain, There isn’t any secondary pollution problem.
The advantages are as follows:
1. High safety. Non- toxic, no bad smell, no toxic material produced after treatment.

2. Good removal effect. It can be used in wide pH range, can be used in acid or alkaline wastewater. When metal ions coexist, they can be removed at the same time. When the heavy metal ions are in the form of complex salt (EDTA, tetramine etc) which can not be removed completely by hydroxide precipitate method, this product can remove it as well. When it sediment the heavy metal, it will not be easily obstructed by coexisted salts in waste water.
3. Good flocculation effect. Solid-liquid separation easily.
4.Heavy metal sediments is stable, even at 200-250℃ or dilute acid.
5. Simple processing method, easy sludge dewatering.
If you are interested in our products, welcome to consult. We are still serving you during the Spring Festival.
Post time: Jan-18-2023