Industry News
Papermaking wastewater industry treatment plan
OverviewPapermaking wastewater mainly comes from the two production processes of pulping and papermaking in the papermaking industry. Pulping is to separate the fibers from plant raw materials, make pulp, and then bleach it. This process will produce a large amount of papermaking wastewater; pap...Read more -
How to choose a suitable defoamer
1 Insoluble or poorly soluble in the foaming liquid means the foam is broken, and the defoamer should be concentrated and concentrated on the foam film. For the defoamer, it should be concentrated and concentrated instantly, and for the defoamer, it should always be kept...Read more -
Composition and calculation of sewage treatment plant cost
After the sewage treatment plant is officially put into operation, its sewage treatment cost is relatively complex, which mainly includes power cost, depreciation and amortization cost, labor cost, repair and maintenance cost, slud...Read more -
Selection and modulation of flocculants
There are many types of flocculants, which can be divided into two categories, one is inorganic flocculants and the other is organic flocculants. (1) Inorganic flocculants: including two types of metal salts, iron salts and aluminum salts, as well as inorganic polymer fl...Read more -
Yixing Cleanwater Experiment
We will conduct multiple experiments based on your water samples to ensure the decolorization and flocculation effect you use on site. decolorization experiment Denim stripping washing raw water ...Read more -
Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!
Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas! ——From Yixing Cleanwater Chemicals Co., Ltd.Read more -
What is a demulsifier used in oil and gas?
Oil and gas are crucial resources for the world economy, powering transportation, heating homes, and fueling industrial processes. However, these valuable commodities are often found in complex mixtures that can include water and other substances. Separating these liquid...Read more -
Breakthrough in Agricultural Wastewater Treatment: Innovative Method Brings Clean Water to Farmers
A groundbreaking new treatment technology for agricultural wastewater has the potential to bring clean, safe water to farmers around the world. Developed by a team of researchers, this innovative method involves the use of nano-scale technology to remove harmful pollutan...Read more -
Main applications of thickeners
Thickeners are widely used, and the current application research has been deeply involved in printing and dyeing textile, water-based coatings, medicine, food processing and daily necessities. 1. Printing and dyeing textile Textile and coating print...Read more -
How are Penetrating Agent classified? How many categories can it be divided into?
Penetrating Agent are a class of chemicals that help substances that need to be permeated penetrate into substances that need to be permeated. Manufacturers in metal processing, industrial cleaning and other industries must have used Penetrating Agent, which have the adv...Read more -
new product release
new product release Penetrating Agent is a high-efficiency penetrating agent with strong penetrating power and can significantly reduce surface tension. It is widely used in leather, cotton, linen, viscose and blended products. The treated fabric can be directly bleache...Read more -
Sewage and sewage analysis
Sewage treatment is the process of removing most pollutants from wastewater or sewage and producing liquid effluent suitable for discharge to natural environment and sludge. In order to be effective, sewage must be transported to the treatment plant through appropriate pipelines and infrastructur...Read more